Thank you for your registration, we will contact you in the next 2 working days via Whatsapp 8876 6987. Kindly save this number.
We look forward to walk the journey towards success with your child.
Chinese Is Easy.
Terms & Conditions
- Enrolments/Fees Policy
1.1 Payment (course fees, including the deposit where applicable) must be made before the commencement of course. Should the Centre fail to receive any course fees, the Centre reserves the right to terminate a student’s class until further notice. Lessons will only resume upon full payment of the outstanding amount. No makeup classes will be conducted for the lessons missed.
1.2 For all New enrolments, including ex-students of more than 3 months, a registration fee of S$50.00 is applicable.
1.3 There is a material fee of S$50.00 per Month/Term, waived for Semesterly/Yearly payment.
1.4 There is a non-refundable deposit of S$200.00. The deposit will be used to off-set the final invoice. All students will be assumed to have enrolled with CIE until the end of the year.
1.5 In the event a student wishes to withdraw before the end of the year, one month’s notice prior to the next invoice must be submitted to CIE. The student is expected to complete the current month/term/semester (depending on the invoice term). There is no refund should a student decides to stop lessons immediately. The deposit would be used to offset the forthcoming month’s course fees accordingly.
- Course Policy
2.1 There are 4 lessons per month. However, lesson arrangement will varies during exam/ holiday period.
2.2 Course fees for unattended lessons are strictly non-refundable. All lessons will be charged by the number of lessons/hours and not on an attendance basis.
2.3 Students may be offered, subject to the availability and at CIE’s sole discretion, a make-up/follow-up lesson, on the following criteria set out below. Fees for class missed is non-refunded or pro-rated.
- an early notice to the coach/operations was given at least 48 hours* in advance in writing (e.g., Email, SMS or WhatsApp). We highly recommend at least a week in advance for school events related.
*Reasonable mitigating factors can be considered on a case-by-case basis if notification is less than 48 hours in advance. - produce valid proof (e.g., Medical certificate, letter from school) of reason for not turning up. Letters from parents are not accepted.
- Students who fulfil both above-mentioned conditions for absence can:
- attend an alternative slot (if available) where the coach will be covering the same content.
- If the alternative slot is not available, or in the unlikely event that the student is unable to attend the alternative slot(s), the student will have to watch the recorded session, complete the necessary classwork, and submit to the Coach for marking, followed by an arrangement of a consultation session with the Coach. It is meant to answer any queries that the student may have, and clarify any misconception that the Coach noticed on the student’s part based on the work submitted. Do note that this consultation is objective-based. It will be a short session no longer than 30 minutes.
- an early notice to the coach/operations was given at least 48 hours* in advance in writing (e.g., Email, SMS or WhatsApp). We highly recommend at least a week in advance for school events related.
2.4 Should any lesson fall on a Public Holiday, the make-up arrangement is as follows:
- attend an alternative slot (if available) where the coach will be covering the same content.
- If the alternative slot is not available, the coach and the students in the same class will arrange for a common timing during a fifth week by the end of a term (March/June/Sept/Dec).
2.5 In the event of unforeseen circumstances (such as Haze, COVID-19 etc), CIE will arrange for online-lessons as a form of replacement classes to ensure that the syllabus is delivered.
2.6 Do note that CIE conducts Hybrid lessons. However, this is based on the Coach’s best recommendation. Kindly understand that the interest of the students are in our hearts, should the child be deemed not suitable for online classes, we will only recommend physical class to the child. In order to ensure quality of our lessons, all students that attend online classes MUST be equipped with an electronic tablet for our coaches to assess the learning and correct errors immediately during the session.
- Miscellaneous
3.1 While CIE will exercise due professional care and diligence in ensuring the welfare of all students, CIE will not be held liable for any accidents sustained in the Centre’s premises, nor be held responsible for the child’s welfare within the Centre’s premises. Students are advised to look after their valuables.
3.2 Clients, parents and/or students shall indemnify CIE against any loss, cost, claim and damage, including but not limited to legal costs on any indemnity basis that CIE may suffer or incur in protecting or enforcing any rights of CIE under these terms and conditions against the client, parents and/or students.
3.3 CIE reserves the right to revise the Terms and Conditions without prior notice in informing any clients, parents and/or students
3.4 CIE reserves the right to use the student’s name, written work, academic results, voice, likeness, photographs and audio / visual recordings in which the Student may appear in any form of media, such as newspapers, brochures, videos or other promotional materials, without further notice or compensation. CIE is hereby deemed to be granted a license to and may, at its discretion, display, publish, transmit, edit or alter these materials for such purposes.
3.5 CIE has the right to publish the Student’s academic achievements and text conversations with the clients, parents and/or students as testimonials in any form or media at any time, even after the Student has withdrawn from CIE without giving any prior notice whatsoever to the client, parent and/or student.
3.6 All teaching techniques, learning materials and / or documents used by CIE are copyrighted and strictly for the Student’s personal use. The materials and / or documents are not for sharing or sale by any means. All teaching techniques and learning resources of CIE are proprietary and that CIE will be entitled to commence legal action(s) for any infringement of intellectual property.
- Registration Policy
By clicking the tick button to the ‘I’ve read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions of ‘Chinese Is Easy Pte Ltd” box, you have authorized the registration and terms and conditions will be in place and
4.1 CIE may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as provided in this application form, or (if applicable) obtained by the organization as a result of my membership, for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012: (a) the processing of this membership application; and (b) the administration of the membership with the organization.
4.2 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions must first be negotiated in good faith between the relevant parties with a view to resolving the dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved thereafter, the courts of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or proceeding and to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with these terms and These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore.